
Digital transformation: 3 mistakes not to make

En esta nota te contamos por qué la supervivencia de la marca depende de la transformación digital y qué errores hay que evitar.

Agustin Rodriguez

10.05.22 Estadisticas


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The more than two years of the pandemic have taught us two irrefutable lessons: The survival of a brand is directly associated with digital transformation and that the consumer is the protagonist of the new scenario. To retain it, it is no longer enough to offer a good product or service, but it is necessary to provide an excellent shopping experience. In this note you will know the 3 common mistakes that we can make during the digital transformation. We present them to you so that you keep them in mind and you can avoid them once you identify them.

1. Not responding quickly to changing customer needs and behaviors

In Latin America, 37% of online shoppers in the last year made their first purchase during the pandemic and 86% of them plan to continue doing so. Leading companies have already managed to adapt to this change in behavior, but some are still unable to realign their business in the face of this change

2. Not understanding what the consumer journey is like

Many companies interview consumers to find out their preferences, but what they really need to understand is the behavior behind their actions.

3. Not removing root friction

Brands must fully understand the journey. That is, from the moment the consumer begins to investigate until he actually makes the purchase. In this journey it is very important that each point of friction is eliminated.

In addition to quickly identifying what not to do or what needs to be changed urgently, we share with you 4 decisions that a leader must make to ensure customer retention by offering an optimal experience.

  1. Make sure the process is fast.
  2. Offer a personalized experience. Each client is unique and, as a brand, you have to show that individuality is valued and that you work for it.
  3. Be helpful Add value to the shopping experience. For example, recommend other products that fit with consumer preferences.
  4. To be consistent. The same consumer probably buys in the app, in the store, on mobile, on desktop. The interaction with the brand must be consistent in all channels regardless of the platform with which the user chooses to interact.

Beyond detailing what not to do and what to do, there is something we want to make clear: It is a process. It is impossible to improve the user experience overnight or make the necessary changes now and not make changes in the future. The goal is to improve the shopping journey every day to provide a better experience every day. The secret is to always keep a critical eye in order to identify potential opportunities for improvement.

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