
What is SEM and how to execute a SEM campaign?

In the following Growketing article, we will discuss one of the best strategies to accelerate the positioning of our website: carrying out a SEM campaign. This type of paid strategy is usually executed through Google Ads and is known for its effectiveness in generating visibility and traffic to our website. What does a SEM campaign […]

Lucia Fluck

24.11.22 Business 3 min

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# AudienceTargeting # Brand Reputation # Controlled Investment # GoogleAds # Keywords # Real-Time Results # Sales Growth # SEM Campaign # Web Positioning # Web Traffic

In the following Growketing article, we will discuss one of the best strategies to accelerate the positioning of our website: carrying out a SEM campaign. This type of paid strategy is usually executed through Google Ads and is known for its effectiveness in generating visibility and traffic to our website.

What does a SEM campaign consist of?

-Dubbed “Search Engine Marketing” by its English acronym, these strategies essentially involve paying for certain relevant keywords related to our website, so that our ads appear in top positions whenever a user conducts a search on Google or other search engines.

-Google Ads is commonly used for implementing a SEM strategy: through this platform, we make the investment we believe is appropriate to improve the positioning of our site in search engines.

-One of the main differences between SEM and SEO is that SEM positioning strategies are paid, as they are usually aimed at achieving rapid and short-term results, whereas an SEO strategy has a medium to long-term purpose and is based on content generation.

How to conduct a SEM campaign on Google Ads?

As we explained before, the most used platform for this type of advertising is Google Ads, thanks to its simplicity and popularity. Below, Growketing shares some tips to consider when running a SEM campaign:

Clear Objectives: Before starting any advertising campaign, it is essential to have clear objectives. What do we want to achieve with it? Who is our target audience? What is our purpose? Establishing well-defined and achievable goals is the first step towards a successful campaign.

-Select Relevant Keywords: The SEM strategy works based on the choice of keywords, so their proper selection is crucial for the success of the campaign. The keywords we pay for should be relevant to the theme of our site and commonly used by the general public.

For example, we must ensure that the chosen keywords really warrant an

investment. If we have a sports clothing website, we can invest in keywords like “sneakers” or “balls” to ensure that the Google Ads ads are relevant to our audience.

Tips for a successful campaign on Google Ads

– Know Your Users: One of the secrets to making our ads successful and achieving their objectives is to know potential customers’ behavior in detail. Prior research on users’ most common search patterns and popular terms is essential in any SEM positioning plan.

Study Competitors: Identifying the keywords used by other brands in their Google Ads campaigns, as well as studying the different methods they employ, will provide us with better tools for planning and generating new ideas.

-Have a Quality Website: Running a SEM positioning campaign will be of no use if our website is poor or incomplete. Once users click on the ads and are redirected to our page, it is essential that they find a user-friendly and high-quality site with a harmonious and organized design that encourages them to make a purchase and return in the future.

Types of SEM Campaigns

  • Traffic: The primary objective here is to generate more traffic to our site, gaining visibility and gradually establishing a name in the market. Typically, new brands or companies taking their first steps opt for this type of SEM campaign to become known.
  • Sales: In this case, it involves well-established brands in the market running an advertising campaign to increase sales of a specific product, either through online purchases or at the company’s physical stores. The choice of keywords will be essential for search engine positioning.
  • Authority: Many companies use different SEM and SEO actions to achieve a better brand reputation and become a reference within a specific industry.

Benefits of SEM Positioning

-Growth in Website Traffic: The appearance of our ads in top positions of search engines will lead to a significant increase in our website’s traffic. This will boost visibility and increase the number of product sales. This will boost visibility and increase the number of product sales.

-Targeted Audience: The use of Google Ads also allows us to segment our campaign. With this platform, we can target specific audiences based on geographical regions, age, or consumer types.

-Real-time Results: Google Ads also provides continuous monitoring, offering information on results through real-time tracking techniques.

-Controlled Investment: Conducting a SEM campaign is an excellent option for achieving positioning through a controlled investment. Besides setting the budget in advance, we can decide when it starts and ends.

As we have seen, running a positioning campaign can bring a wide range of benefits and solutions to a company. At Growketing, we hope this review has been useful for learning more about this innovative advertising strategy!

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