
Narrative Composition: 3 Keys to Building Your Brand’s Story

Three keys to building your brand’s story with narrative composition.

Matias Luis Carrillat

31.03.21 Business 3 min

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# Brand Story # Branding # Demographic Data # Dynamic Creatives # Narrative Composition # Personalization # Storytelling # User Experience # Visual Storytelling

The narrative composition is one of the emerging formats that pave the way for constructing a brand’s story. Let’s find out what it’s all about!

The storytelling itself is nearly as crucial as how it is conveyed. The importance of a compelling narrative in shaping a brand’s identity and development is becoming increasingly evident. However, the way storytelling is structured is often overlooked. To create an effective narrative and integrate it into corporate branding, it is essential to be able to tell, share, and develop it. 

Until a few years ago, brand stories were built on statistics and stereotypes to reach the widest audience through campaigns. However, in today’s context, where personalization is key to standing out in a saturated advertising landscape, this approach falls short. 

For new audiences and platforms, a new way of constructing your brand’s story is necessary: the narrative composition. This process is based on three principles that we’ll share with you below.

Create messages that respond to the signals your audience gives.

Demographic data is important, but it is not enough. Pay attention to the information provided by your consumers: their searches, clicks, the pages they visit, and the elements they share. People are a fundamental part of the creative process behind brand stories.

Personalize your ads.

With dynamic creatives, you can create large-scale personalized campaigns. Today, it is possible to not only know the interests of users but also anticipate what they will be looking for. Armed with this information, you can show them content that is relevant to the moment they find themselves in. 

Craft a narrative that goes beyond an individual ad.

The key to constructing an effective story is to propose an experience that goes beyond a single ad. The challenge is to compose a sequence of personalized advertisements based on the user’s activities and interests.

This way, it is possible to create a more immersive experience that involves the users themselves. For example, you can combine long skippable ads with short ones, reuse the same concept for two pieces, or refresh the concept in each ad. The possibilities in the world of visual storytelling are endless.

Incorporating this process into your campaign planning is not as complicated as it seems. While you may not completely change the way you work, you can start by asking yourself these questions before designing your creatives: 

  • What signals from the audience will your messages be based on?
  • How can you personalize your ads on a large scale? 
  • In what way will you tell the story over time, and what sequences will you use?

When you integrate these three steps into your new narrative approach, you’ll be closer to creating a better user experience through more compelling stories.

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