
Consumer Trends for 2021

Discover the new consumer trends for this year to create personalized campaigns for user interests.

Ariel Ben

12.04.21 Business 3 min

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# Audience Reach # Boost Campaigns # Consumer Trends # Popular Searches

Every day, search engines receive millions and millions of queries. Searching for some question or concern is an almost daily activity for most people. 

Knowing what topics people are exploring will help you glimpse the consumer trends and, consequently, adjust and enhance your campaigns. 

Month after month, the Google Ads team investigates and analyzes the data from billions of searches to discover the upcoming key trends. 

Let’s find out the ones that emerged at the beginning of 2021.

What are the new consumer trends?

After a very atypical year, consumer trends vary greatly depending on the reality of the place where they live and the measures they are taking to face the pandemic. Here are the main ones. 

Let’s go on a trip 

During the month of March, there was a significant increase in searches related to travel and getaways. Compared to the previous year, the volume of searches for resorts, hotels, or “traveling to” increased by 80 to 100%. However, as the lockdown becomes stricter, searches are narrowed down with terms related to locations near the user’s geographical area. 

Let’s stay at home

A year after the start of the pandemic, terms related to group viewings continue to be consumer trends. Different platforms and categories appear, but the questions still revolve around ways to meet with other people at a distance. 

Decoration for special events, gifts, and birthday cakes were also at the center of searches in the first months of the year.

Things to do

One of the probable consequences of tightening restrictions in many parts of the world is the increase in searches related to hobbies and activities to do indoors or very close to home. Thus, “hiking trails nearby” and “cast-iron pots” increased search volume by 90 to 100%. 

“Things to do during…” is one of the most searched terms, with a 300% increase compared to  2020. Another search that grew by the same volume was “candle making kit,” one of the popular home activities in recent months. 

Can we go out now? 

Despite the consumer trends we saw earlier, there are users who are starting to prepare to leave their homes, and this is also reflected in the searches. 

Terms related to clothing items such as “long girl tops” or “wedding suit” increased by 200 to 300%, as well as some related to makeup and hairstyles. 

Being aware of consumer trends will allow you to discover new ways to reach your target audience, with ads related to their searches and interests.

Keep an eye on these trends when creating your campaigns to enhance your reach and produce dynamic and personalized creativities tailored to your audience’s reality.

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