
10 marketing tips to boost your sales and grow your business

Three keys to building your brand’s story with narrative composition.

Ariel Ben

01.04.21 Business 3 min


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# Customer Retention # Data # Inclusion # Mobile Design # Publicidad # Relevance # Segmentation # User Experience

Today, we bring you ten marketing tips from experts around the world to inspire you when creating campaigns. 

  1. Use data to build your audience: don’t let stereotypes guide you. Metrics will give you the information you need to understand your users. Be carefull of biases and work to ensure that the content you create is relevant to your audience. 
  2. Ads will be less disruptive and annoying if you contextualize and segment them correctly. If the content is relevant to the user, the interruption will make more sense and will be worthwhile.
  3. Create inclusive stories. Narratives that contemplate and include diversity have a positive impact on audiences: the public responds and engages even more when it sees itself represented in campaigns.
  4. Retention is one of the main factors driving growth. To boost the reach and development of your company, you must start working on customer retention. User experience is key: ensure that your site is effective, personalized, dynamic, and mobile, adapted to the needs of your consumers.
  5. Don’t lose sight of mobile design. Users will not always be looking for the same thing as in the desktop version. Your goal should be to create simple and intuitive pages.
  6. Sometimes, breaking the rules can help you push the boundaries. Creativity comes from the blend of intuition and data: two key elements in creating good campaigns.
  7. No matter what happens, keep moving forward. The most important thing is to identify what the next step is, even if the horizon seems unclear.
  8. Adapt your content according to the context of the target audience. If you modify it according to the audience, the same element can work globally. Each place has features and peculiarities that your campaigns must reflect.
  9. Pay close attention to the briefing: at this stage business objectives are communicated and the most important metrics are defined. Ultimately, the content will depend on the platform and the audience. 
  10. Dedicate time, money, and effort to innovation. Don’t lose sight of new technologies, approaches, and tools that can help you boost your business or keep your brand at the forefront of new trends. Trying new things can be risky, but it can also bring great benefits. 

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