
How to Solve Problems: 5 Strategic Steps

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Matias Luis Carrillat

14.04.21 Business 3 min

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# Case Analysis # Clear Objectives # Decision making # Efficiency # Interpersonal Skills # Performance # Problem-Solving # Solution Strategy # Structured Method # Teamwork

Knowing how to solve problems is a crucial interpersonal skill in any industry, especially in today’s times. Making clear decisions in times of uncertainty is an indispensable talent, as we have witnessed over the past year. 

The year 2020 demonstrated that having the ability to adapt and take the time to reflect on the path to follow is a key requirement to stay afloat in an ever-changing context. 

You might think that problem-solving is an innate skill, but the reality is that learning how to solve problems is achievable. It is a capability that can be honed and strengthened through a structured five-step method. This approach focuses on the reasons why the problem needs to be addressed, the desired objective, and possible solutions. 

With the right steps, it becomes a straightforward task, avoiding hasty decision-making. 

Discover how to solve problems strategically!

How to Solve Problems? Five Fundamental Steps:

Today, we bring you five steps to put into practice when facing a problem, whether in the workplace or in other areas of life. Follow them to explore possible solutions and the best ways to execute them. 

Describe the Problem

Identify and describe the situation that is affecting your business or audience. Use short phrases with quantifiable and concrete data. 

In this step, don’t focus on coming up with an instant solution, but rather on investigating what you need and why it is relevant to solve it 

Strive to be as specific as possible and delve into necessary details.

Second Step: Define an Objective

Set an objective that summarizes what you want to achieve and specify the indicators that will demonstrate your accomplishments. 

Be careful: your objective should be a goal, not a solution 

Third Step: Search for Possible Solutions

Research the problem: look for analyses of similar cases, parallels with other sectors, and similar case studies. 

You can also involve your team to propose new ideas. 

With the list of options, create a framework to define your strategy, organizing how you will achieve your objectives.

How to Solve Problems - Step 3:

Trace an orderly path from the objective to the strategy, passing through the possible solution .

Fourth Step: Define Priorities

Decide which strategies will have the most impact to determine where to invest greater efforts. 

Create a priority map: a chart that measures the impact and effort of each possible solution. 

Place each proposal in the corresponding quadrants to evaluate where to start.

How to Solve Problems - Step Four:

Those with high impact and requiring greater effort will have the most significant influence and become your main objective. 

Those with high impact but requiring less effort will allow you to achieve quick results and build the confidence and security of all involved parties. 

On the other hand, solutions with low impact and little effort required should be left for later when time permits.

Finally, solutions with low impact and a lot of effort required should be discarded, as they are not worth pursuing.

Fifth Step: Take Action

Put the strategy into concrete action: design a simple action plan without unnecessary details. Divide it into specific actions with assigned responsibilities and deadlines.

However, remember that unforeseen events may change your plan, so you must be ready to adapt to any situation .

You are now ready to face the upcoming challenges that may arise in your path!

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