
9 Steps of a Successful Email Marketing Strategy

Through email marketing, you can establish direct and authentic contact with your business’s users to promote your services or products. While it is a great alternative, there are several steps that must be taken to achieve successful results. In this new note, we tell you what they are and how to work on them. 1. […]

Agustin Rodriguez

17.01.23 Business 6 min

Through email marketing, you can establish direct and authentic contact with your business’s users to promote your services or products. While it is a great alternative, there are several steps that must be taken to achieve successful results. In this new note, we tell you what they are and how to work on them.

1. Set the objectives

The key is to align the objectives of your email marketing campaign with the overall marketing objectives and the general indicators of your company. They could be to generate more subscriptions for products or services, new leads, more attendees, more donations, among others.

We always recommend defining what you want to achieve with Email Marketing before starting to work with it. Not only will it serve to define a clear goal, but it will also serve to identify what content to send and to which audiences.

2. Define the audience

As in almost all marketing projects, the first step is to define the buyer persona: The content we send to our audience must be relevant to them. It is essential to understand what they are looking for or what their needs are and, based on that, create your email campaign based on their needs.

3. Research the workspace

Before launching any email marketing campaign, it is always advisable to delve into the average email statistics in your industry. For example, what will be a super useful guide when setting the objectives. Use them as reference points to set the objectives of your email marketing campaign. For example, the average opening rate is 19.8%. Meanwhile, at Growketing, we managed to reach rates of up to 60% in December 2022.

4. Create the email lists

Once you have established your objective to achieve through email marketing, it is time to create your database. If you plan to use emails to continue contacting existing customers, you can import their data. You can load an existing list in a manual way or you can connect your account to CRMs, e-commerce, among others to automatically synchronize your customer information.

Now, on the other hand, if you want to contact an audience whose email address you still do not know, you will have to think about how to get them to create your database from scratch. How? The options are endless: offer something that motivates them to give you their contact, such as a discount or a free trial, facilitate the subscription process, launch a promotion with other products or services, etc.

5. Define the type of content

To understand what is most convenient for your audience, we find it interesting to tell you what the different types of content are for email campaigns.


It is an email bulletin that refers to a main topic of interest and is distributed periodically. It is a great option if your goal is to keep in touch with a list of people who are already your customers because you can keep your business or your products current.

Marketing Offer

It is any campaign you send with the aim of generating a direct response, whether it is to encourage people to buy or offer a discount or special promotion of your products or services.

It is the ideal campaign if your goal is directly to boost sales with the use of email. Just present your product offer or discount and include a direct call to action; this way people can click on your website and make the purchase.


An announcement campaign is an email sent to your subscribers that communicates a new product, feature, or service. We especially recommend this type of content if your goal is to keep your existing customers updated on your latest news.

Event invitation

An invitation email is a campaign designed to increase awareness of an event and encourage people to attend.

6. Offer a way for users to subscribe

Although it is true that emails can be obtained through various resources, an email list is composed of a group of users who have given you permission to send them relevant content. That is, you have to propose alternatives for users to voluntarily subscribe to receive your messages.

7. Create a calendar

Although it is true that emails can be obtained through various resources, an email list is composed of a group of users who have given you permission to send them relevant content. That is, you have to propose alternatives for users to voluntarily subscribe to receive your messages.

8. Smartly structure the campaign

When establishing how the campaign will be, you have to keep in mind that it must be easy to read and, above all, brief. It has been proven that the average attention span of an adult is eight seconds. People will not read your campaigns word for word, they will scan them to look for something that interests them.

Finally, we recommend guiding your audience towards the call to action that you add in the email to achieve your goal.

9. Measure the results

There are no improvements without results analysis. If you review the evolution of certain metrics such as opening rate, number of responses, subscriptions, sales, bounces or drops to spam, among others, you will be able to make small changes to your emails that will result in great results.


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